Headphone Reviews – Sony MDR Nc60 – 85% Noise Canceling Leave a comment


First a few words about noise canceling headphones in general. I’m a frequent traveler, as such most of my business is international. I’m not a musician or anything, but I realize that having a good set of headphones means the difference between arriving at your destination groggy and grumpy or relaxed and refreshed. You owe it to yourself to have the best quality headphones if you are a frequent traveler or take long flights multiple times a year. I’ve had many different kinds of headphones, the best always being noise canceling. Of my various noise canceling ones, I’ve tried Bose QC 3s, as well as Sennheisers. Of the different kinds of noise canceling sets, the best are by far the “over-the-ears,” as opposed to “in-ear” ones.

Now, when I was deciding on a pair, I went to the store to compare the various brands. I tried on Bose QuietComfort 3s (I already knew how they sounded, but for the sake of comparison, tried them on in the store), Sennheiser PXC 350s and the Sony MDR NC60s. Of those three the Sony MDR NC60s were by far the cheapest ones ($127.39).

So after hearing all three, and looking at the prices, I was sold right then and there on the Sony NC60s. They are as good as they come, canceling up to 85% of noise, with excellent sound quality, and with very powerful bass when the noise canceling is turned off. Even though the prices would say otherwise, I couldn’t determine that the Bose or Sennheisers were better. For the quality and price, I knew that the Sony MDR NC60s were my best bet. Overall, the pros completely outweigh the cons of this set, though I do have to say I don’t like the fact that it comes with a soft case as opposed to a hard one. I like hard cases better because there is more security and protection when you have to put it in a laptop suitcase where you run the risk of it getting smashed. Other than that though, the actual headphones are spectacular.


Source by Alex Judd

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